Friday, June 3, 2011


I can't wait for the kids to get out of school and summer to begin! I am counting down the days (10 more to go) is why I love SUMMER!

- Sleeping past 6:30 AM!
- NO HOMEWORK!!!!!! (Funny how I am not in school and I'm still happy about no homework)
- Going to the neighborhood pool and the kids playing with all their school friends and I get to chat with all my friends!
- Reading lots of books! I love a good book and mostly in the summer I read fiction and just get caught up in the characters.
- Going to the beach. I love to go with my husband to VA Beach during the week, he likes to surf and we sit and watch. I could live there!
- Getting ice cream at night with friends or my neighbors! We love Gelati Celesti!
- Wearing flip flops and sundresses!
- Going to the library with my children. I love it, but they do not like their mama making them pick out books and read for 30 minutes each day.
- Visiting NYC with my husband for his business trip. It's work but we add one day of fun in!
- Pedicures and Manicures all summer long.
- Grilling out! I love the smell of meat on grill and veggies in the steamer.
- Fresh fruit especially peaches that when you bite into them the juice runs down your mouth.
- The smell of suntan oil!
- The cool air-condition in the house when you come in from outside.
- Seeing family and friends that live out of town.
- Busch Gardens and Water Country season passes!
- Wearing white pants and white capris. I am one of those who only wears it after Memorial Day and stop wearing it after Labor Day. (I know old school)
- Movie night with my kids during the week! I do not watch much TV during the school year but when school is out we watch lots of movies.
- Watching BIG BROTHER! I know trash, but I am addicted!

In addition to all those this summer brings new things to love.....
- Going on a girls road trip to Ohio for a ThirtyOne Conference!
- Planning my 35th Birthday Party at this place! And inviting all the important people in my life!
- Getting to spend 5 days with my sweet little niece!
- Home Renovations!

So bring on the sunshine and unsweetened tea! I am anxiously waiting!